Libertarians are often accused of stealing votes from the partisans. Our aims are principled and simple: Smaller Government and More Freedom. Democrats have trouble with the former and Republicans the latter. Supporting both aims is the most reasonable political position, we believe, and any other support is support of bigger and bigger government and more and more restrictions.
But a vote for either party is a vote for business as usual. Trump is hated for his character and loved because he is shaking things up. Libertarians like me love the idea that Trump is shaking things up, but fearful of the fall-out sure to follow.
We want simpler, smaller, non-intrusive government we can trust. Government should provide necessary services for the taxpayer on a non-profit basis. That is not what we have today. Today we have government restrictions and government looking for evidence against us while charging us higher and higher taxes every year to pay more career government employees to ramp up the cycle.
Any vote for any Libertarian demonstrates a protest against business as usual and support for smaller government and more freedom. If you support a non-Libertarian candidate and you think the Libertarians should vote for that candidate because that candidate supports some Libertarian principles, well, you are wrong. If that candidate is Libertarian that candidate should say so.
You should vote for the Libertarian unless you want bigger government, more scandals, more and higher taxes, less freedom, interventionist military, and government support for criminal privacy laws. Any vote for any Libertarian will be seen by the career government worker as a reminder who they serve and why.
Only congress can stop these insidious restrictions on freedom that serve no purpose. And no one side, one person or one faction is responsible. Everyone in government wants more government. Only Libertarians support the change we need to simplify our laws, lay off government employees, stay out of affairs that don’t involve us, and fully transparent public dealings with business and government while respecting individual rights. If you believe those things you are Libertarian and only your Libertarian vote will bring Libertarian principles to government.