This has NOTHING to do with Obamacare.<\/p>\n
I have no idea why this is not screamed from the mountaintops: \u00a0Our Healthcare System is Corrupt! \u00a0Just because it is legal does not mean it isn\u2019t corrupt, anti-competitive, bad for the economy and the nation.<\/p>\n
We complain about third world countries and bribes and corruption when our system is the most corrupt of all but legal. \u00a0We pay our Congress $30,000,000 a day to literally do nothing. \u00a0Our system is designed to make lawyers, insurance companies and lawmakers rich<\/strong>. \u00a0We require those people in high places to be rich, our laws make them rich, and that makes them make stupid laws and more laws. \u00a0We have to buy insurance, we have to hire lawyers, we have to pay our lawmakers. We make people immune from the law and the harm that they do by making insurance companies so rich they have to spend money on stupid, ineffective and even counterproductive advertising<\/strong> just so they don’t pay taxes on their ungodly riches.<\/p>\n
For the price of a colonoscopy in Torrington one can fly to Costa Rica, have your colonoscopy, stay three nights in a luxury hotel, and return with $3000 in your pocket. \u00a0You can get health care that is as good or better from a neighboring country for a tenth the cost. \u00a0And we all scream free enterprise. \u00a0Why do we want \u00a0no government oversight<\/strong> over the obscene prices of our health care, but we want the government in our homes when we install a light switch? \u00a0The disconnect is obvious. \u00a0We are brainwashed.<\/p>\n
Why is that? \u00a0I wondered why people go to Mexico or Canada or the internet to buy their prescription drugs. \u00a0But now I know. \u00a0A drug I was prescribed that cost about $100 a dose I bought from China for $9<\/strong>. Why? \u00a0Is there an answer beyond corruption? \u00a0Is there a better word?<\/p>\n